The resolution also supports the peace proposal put forward by Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and welcomes the diplomatic efforts of the US envoy, Anthony zinni, as well as his un, EU and Russian counterparts. 决议案还对一项由沙特阿拉伯王储阿卜杜勒提出和平建议表示支持。决议案还对美国特使安东尼津尼以及他在联合国、欧盟、俄国对等职位的外交人员所做的努力表示欢迎。
Scholar Diplomat: New Changes on the Composition of the Diplomatic Envoy in the History of the Republican China; Philosophers, lawyers, scientists, diplomats and sociologists are a fine body of men. 学人外交官:国民政府外交使节组成的新变化哲学家,律师,科学家,外交家和社会学家是一群受人尊敬的人。
Called the father of English literature, Chaucer often traveled to the European continent as a diplomatic envoy and introduced with success into English forms and patterns of French and Italian poetry. 被称为英语文学之父的乔叟曾作为外交使臣多次赴欧陆,成功地引进了一些法、意语诗的格律和体裁。
A Vatican diplomatic envoy or representative ranking just beneath a nuncio. It was his ambition that had prompted him to take his place at the archiepiscopal table. 罗马教廷公使职位低于罗马教皇使节的梵蒂冈的外交使者或代表促使他到大主教公馆的,是他的雄心壮志。
She is a famous diplomatic envoy. 她是世界著名外交使节。
A diplomatic envoy accredited to Switzerland 派往瑞士的外交使节
Neither the Northern Song nor Japan did send official diplomatic envoy, but the monks acted as a media between the two countries. 北宋时,中日之间几乎没有派遣正式的政府使节,但在相互交往中两国的僧侣起到了媒介作用。
Guo songtao was the first diplomatic envoy abroad in modern China. 郭嵩焘是近代中国第一个走出国门的驻外使臣。
Chinese traditional system of the concerning foreign affairs has collapsed gradually when it conflicted and mingled with the western society in the modern times. As a result, the establishment of modern diplomatic envoy system became an important part of the modernization of diplomacy. 中国传统的涉外体制在与近代西方的碰撞交汇中逐渐崩溃,近代驻外使节制度的创立成为外交近代化的重要一环。
As the essence of the intellectual class in this period, foreign affairs thinkers played an active role in the process of the modernization of diplomatic envoy system. 洋务思想家作为这一时期知识阶层的精英,在促成和推动使节制度的近代化过程中发挥着积极的作用。
During Marjiarney's Diplomatic Envoy to China, the Sino-British conflict was a reflection of different psychology between China and Britain. 马戛尔尼使华期间,中英双方存在的冲突侧映出中英双方不同的心态。